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  • unLOCk (Part 3)

    Posted in Board Brief on Dec 21, 2022

    Inflation, Your Money and the Holidays

    Finding yourself in one of these circumstance? Which best describes your situation?

    1. You’re all set. You’ve completed your list and there’s nothing to do but open the presents. But, you’ve gone over your budget, maybe by a lot.
    2. You’ve got more to buy, but you’re up against your shopping budget.
    3. You’re over budget. You’re wondering how you got there and maybe you have more on your list to buy.

    Our Advice-Wrap up all your debt into one, low, fixed-rate payment with unLOCk.

    To learn more about our unLOCk loan, CLICK HERE:

  • unLOCk (Part 2)

    Posted in Board Brief on Nov 21, 2022

    Inflation,Your Money and the Holidays

    Less in Your Cart and Wallet We don’t need to tell you! If your staples (like rent or mortgage, food and transportation expenses) are increasing more than your take-home pay, it cuts into your disposable income (the money you have left).

    How to Cope Budgeting how you spend is key to managing your money. It allows you to look more closely at where the money goes and where you can adjust by reducing or cutting expenses. One obvious place to look is debt consolidation. Debt consolidation is where we can help you.

    Our new product, unLOCk, can be your Key

    How ...