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Board Brief

  • Simple Measures to Protect your Device from Hackers

    Posted in Board Brief on Feb 17, 2021

    Our daily lives are busy. We do so many routine things without even thinking.

    One thing most of us do not do as we walk out the door is turn our WiFi and Bluetooth services off on our mobile device.

    Of course, most times, we are using the Bluetooth feature for our earbud or to connect to our vehicle. However, how many times do we turn WiFi and Bluetooth off before entering a public place like a store or coffee shop? Rarely, if ever.

    Oops! It is fairly easy for hackers to connect to your phone using WiFi or Bluetooth. Turn them OFF when not needed. There is no warning when another device conne...

  • COVID-19 Work-from-Home Jobseekers

    Posted in Board Brief on Jan 20, 2021

    With the continuing pandemic and threats of continued lockdowns, the need for family members to offset lost income or increase their existing income can be an all too real pressure.

    Because of the overwhelming need, Work-from-Home scammers are having a lot of success. The “work from home” scam promises “easy” monthly income for those who buy into their “system.” Turns out, the only ones making a lot of money are the scammers, who may be getting jobseekers’ information from job listing and recruitment portals. Scammers may also access a legitimate business account to post phony jobs.

    One type ...

  • Handling Phone Scams

    Posted in Board Brief on Dec 16, 2020

    The classic way phone scammers get your information is to tell you that you have already been a fraud victim even though you haven’t. Since you’re worried that you’ll be charged for a purchase you never made, you’re ready and willing to help. Instead, you’re helping a fraudster scam you!

    It’s easy to fall for this scam because credit card companies often do call card holders when suspicious activity is detected. Scammers work even harder over the holidays when shoppers are distracted

    What can you do?

    DON'T ASSUME the caller is actually from the credit card issuer. Even if your phone’s Caller I...

  • Phishing Basics (Part 2 of 2)

    Posted in Board Brief on Nov 18, 2020

    As we showed you in the October’s Board Brief, Phishing Schemes are deceptive, yet detectible if you STOP, LOOK & THINK before you CLICK. This Board Brief shows you what a Phishing email looks like after you have blocked it and it is sent to your Junk or Quarantine folder.

    If you are not familiar with the term, PHISHING it is the use of an email sent to a lists of email addresses enticing recipients to click on an attached file or a web link. If you click on that file, it could launch a virus, imbed tracking (spy) software or launch ransomware.

    Let's take a look at a Phishing email after you h...

  • Phishing Basics (Part 1 of 2)

    Posted in Board Brief on Oct 21, 2020

    Sadly, Covid-19 is just another reason for hackers to ramp up email phishing schemes. It's almost impossible to keep up with them all. From time to time, we will look at various types of email phishing schemes to help you recognize them and safely deal with them.

    If you are not familiar with the term, PHISHING it is the use of an email sent to a lists of email addresses enticing recipients to click on an attached file or a web link. If you click on that file, it could launch a virus, imbed tracking (spy) software or launch ransomware.

    Let's take a look at a typical phishing scam that may put y...