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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

We have experienced many challenges stemming from the Corona Virus over the last year. And, rightfully so. However, we have gotten in the habit of sharing our personal information in ways we would have questioned prior to the pandemic. It is time to rethink (or at least pause) when we are asked to share our personal information.

In the next few Board Briefs, we are going to provide some reminders of what information you should think twice about sharing. Let’s start with our Heath information.

What is PHI? Being vaccinated is a big topic today. Those of us who have chosen to receive one of the FDA approved vaccines are likely to share that with our friends and family members. We may share which vaccine we received, when we received them and how we reacted to the shots.

Sharing this information is sharing your Personal Health information (PHI). And, in today’s environment, it is more than reasonable to share such info if you are comfortable with doing so. But, you should realize and understand you are providing some of your PHI.

We have been asked by various governmental organizations to share personal information for the benefit of contact tracing. And, in many cases, contact tracing has been a necessity. And, in some cases, scammers have cropped up calling people posing to be from a governmental agency seeking Personal Identifiable Information (PII) which includes your PHI

Our Advice
As we begin to reach heard immunity and we begin to return to whatever our new normal is and will be, take this as a reminder to think twice before you so readily give your PHI.

Posted in board-brief on Apr 21, 2021