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Board Brief

  • The Anatomy of A Typical Scam (Part 2 of 3)

    Posted in Board Brief on Jul 21, 2021

    THE ANATOMY OF A TYPICAL SCAM What follows is the anatomy of a typical scam. The sole objective of a scam is to engage you (via voice or digitally). Avoid being engaged and you have already disarmed a scam attempt.

    Basics of a Scam From the point of initial contact, scammers seek to instruct you to do something. AND, each successive step follows:

    • More instructions,
    • Escalation of a sense of urgency,
    • Is more demanding, and
    • Creation of a scenario where there is a financial problem (loss of funds, error in billing for something you did not purchase or a claim of fraud exposure) that ONLY the...

  • Don't Let This Happen to YOU! (Part 1 of 3)

    Posted in Board Brief on Jun 16, 2021

    A series on how scammers are targeting you in a post-covid world

    Since March 2020, we have understandably become lax about sharing our personal information. Case in point – did you tell anyone today whether you got the vaccine, which one and if it was the first or second shot? See what we mean?

    Starting in this Board Brief (and for several months going forward) we will be highlighting the latest in scams; what they are, the tactics to trap you and what you should do about them. For now, we want to share with you the fundamental things you should always do to avoid getting involved and becoming...

  • Exposing your Personal Information in the Post-COVID Era

    Posted in Board Brief on May 19, 2021

    We have experienced many challenges stemming from the Corona Virus over the last year. And, rightfully so. However, we have gotten in the habit of sharing our personal information in ways we would have questioned prior to the pandemic. It is time to rethink (or at least pause) when we are asked to share our personal information.

    In the next few Board Briefs, we are going to provide some reminders of what information you should think twice about sharing. Let’s start with our Heath information.

    What is PHI? Being vaccinated is a big topic today. Those of us who have chosen to receive one of the ...

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

    Posted in Board Brief on Apr 21, 2021

    We have experienced many challenges stemming from the Corona Virus over the last year. And, rightfully so. However, we have gotten in the habit of sharing our personal information in ways we would have questioned prior to the pandemic. It is time to rethink (or at least pause) when we are asked to share our personal information.

    In the next few Board Briefs, we are going to provide some reminders of what information you should think twice about sharing. Let’s start with our Heath information.

    What is PHI? Being vaccinated is a big topic today. Those of us who have chosen to receive one of the ...

  • What you should know about FREE Apps

    Posted in Board Brief on Mar 17, 2021

    We think, I really need this App! You go to Google Play or the App Store (Apple) to search and download the App. AND, you notice there are many different Apps to choose from. You decide, why download an App that costs money. I'll pick a FREE one.

    Beware of FREE Apps! Why?? Making a point to understand how hacking works can help you practice Mobile Device Security in your everyday life.

    There are important reasons to think twice.

    1. Free Apps have media ads which can be annoying and obtrusive.
    2. The App will likely have its own tracking software, gathering a lot of data about your use & whereabou...