Posted in Board Brief on Oct 18, 2023
*In nearly all cases, a Password Manager (PM) is better than no PM. However, there are differences between the types of PMs. Which is best for you depends on your online activity and your concern for security.**
Posted in Board Brief on Sep 20, 2023
There are basically three types of Password Managers (PM).
Posted in Board Brief on Aug 16, 2023
On or about May 31, 2023, Progress Software reported to its clients of a significant security breach in their MOVEit Transfer software. MOVEit is used largely in the financial services industry (accounting, insurance, industry consultant companies, etc.) where Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is involved. In many cases, important PII was compromised including Name, SSN, DOB, Zip Code, State of Residence, Policy/Account Number, etc.
As of this release, financial services companies who use MOVEit Transfer software are informing their customers of the breach. In most cases, they are offeri...
Posted in Board Brief on Jul 19, 2023
Password Managers (PM) are useful tools in several ways.
Posted in Board Brief on Jun 21, 2023
What are Password Managers (PM)?
In short, they are an electronic “vault” holding your login & password for the websites you visit and the Apps you use.
There are three components stored for every website or App requiring a login.
The PM keeps track of all the websites and Apps you log into.
The original benefit and application of a PM was to autom...