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Don't let this happen to YOU! (Part 3 of 3)


Why are Scam Artists contacting me?

Five years ago, the answer was more likely that you did something to expose your Personally Identifying Information (PII) or your Private Health Information (PHI).Unfortunately, with all the security breaches of some very big organizations, our information is out there.

This does not mean you should be lax about guarding your personal & private information. What it does mean is you are more likely to be a random target and need to take extra precautions.

You should always remain vigilant. Detecting a scam artist early will cause them to move on figuring they will have better luck with someone else less knowledgeable or vigilant. If you have fallen prey to a scam, you are far more likely to be targeted in a future scam.

Our Advice
When you are subjected to a potential scam and you detect it quickly (following the advice provided in our earlier Board Briefs), you will be minimizing your chances of being a future target. In the end, you must trust your instincts. Whatever urgency you may feel to have your financial assets exposed, going slow, taking the initiative and treating all unknown contacts as a potential scam will serve you well in protecting your assets from scam artists.

And remember…STOP, THINK & DELETE!

Posted in board-brief on Aug 08, 2021