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End of Life Financial Considerations Series (Part 1 of 3)


WHY BRING IT UP? End-of-Life is a topic most people want to avoid.

92% percent of people surveyed say it's an important top.
32% have had at least one conversation with loved ones.
34% have an Advance Directive (outlining their medical desires & who, if not them, makes those decisions).
32% have an Estate Plan with a Will (down from 45% in 1990), which legally documents their financial affairs.

From the statistics, we all know the importance of planning for our future. As a nation,we are less prepared and we do a poor job of communicating it to loved ones. It is hard enough dealing with such issues, but it is even more difficult when we are gripped with the emotion of grief. It can be overwhelming and frustrating.

The next couple of months, we will look at the issue from a financial perspective and how it relates to you and the KTFCU. Why it is important to prepare? What is important to prepared? Who should know about your wishes? The logistics involved accessing accounts here at the KTFCU in the event of someone passing?

It’s a difficult subject for us all. Yet, with a little planning and preparation, we can make it easy for our loved ones when the time comes. Next month, we’ll tackle the Why, What and Who questions. The month after, we’ll provide information as it relates to KTFCU logistics.

Our Advice
Seek appropriate advice from your legal and financial advisors. NYSUT has an annual legal program available to advise members and help create the requisite legal documents.

You can learn more here:

Share your wishes with your loved ones. Prepare the necessary documents and make sure they are up-to-date and accessible to the people who will need access to them. You can access the KTFCU FAQs on End-of-Life matters anytime on our website at the bottom of our Share Savings page (What happens to an account?) or now at

Whatever your financial need, we’re here to help.

Posted in board-brief, ktfcu-news on Aug 21, 2024