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Simple Measures to Protect your Device from Hackers

Our daily lives are busy. We do so many routine things without even thinking.

One thing most of us do not do as we walk out the door is turn our WiFi and Bluetooth services off on our mobile device.

Of course, most times, we are using the Bluetooth feature for our earbud or to connect to our vehicle. However, how many times do we turn WiFi and Bluetooth off before entering a public place like a store or coffee shop? Rarely, if ever.

Oops! It is fairly easy for hackers to connect to your phone using WiFi or Bluetooth. Turn them OFF when not needed. There is no warning when another device connects via Bluetooth or when someone has connected via WiFi. Either service is a common way a hacker attaches you so long as you are near them (when Bluetooth services are on or you are connected to a "free" or open network such as a WiFi connection).


If you fear being hacked in a public space, turn these services off.

If you suspect someone has access to your device, turning off your mobile device can block a hacker's ability to hack you. This is an effective preventative method.

If you must have your WiFi or Bluetooth services on, make sure you are on a secure network (in case of WiFi) or you are not stationary for any period of time (in case of Bluetooth).

Our Advice
If you need access to the Internet, your best security is to be using your mobile network's data access. It is the most secure. And remember, free is not always free. You are best to avoid banking and other sensitive activity while connected to an open free network.

Posted in board-brief on Feb 17, 2021