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Password Manager Series (Part 5 of 5)

What are the things I must be aware related to Password Managers (PM)?
Regardless of PM you use, keeping your Vault login credentials safe and highly unique are vital. Do not give your Vault login credentials to anyone and do not store it electronically (if you can avoid it). The convenience of browser and universal PMs (like Apple, Facebook and Google login) come with an increased level of risk if your login credentials are stolen.

As for managing the websites you log into and the Apps you use, here are some good practices.

  • Use random, strong, unique passwords.
  • Where possible, let the PM generate a random, strong, unique password.
  • Change your passwords at least four times a year. If you don’t use a site that often, log in and change it twice a year.
  • Do not use common names or repeatable sequences for passwords.
  • Do not use the same password (regardless of how random, strong, and unique it is) for multiple websites or Apps. If you use it more than once, it is no longer unique!
  • If you suspect any chance your password to a website or App has been compromised, immediately login and change your password or change it from the Vault of you PM.
  • If your device is lost or stolen, go to a secure device you can trust, log into your PM and immediately change the passwords for all your websites and Apps.
  • Most websites and Apps offer two-factor authentication (2FA). Always set up 2FA. We have talked about that in previous Board Briefs.

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Be diligent and cautious when using the digital tools. They are important, necessary, and useful in our everyday activities.
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Posted in board-brief on Nov 15, 2023